
Showing posts from November, 2015


  Hello everyone this is the latest update on technology, Today our case study device is "Li-Fi" sounds strange right. Do not worry i am going to be giving you the brief details about that. LI-FI : This is a kind of device similar to the WI-FI but uses visible light in a standard LED bulb  for its transmission. All you need have is a source of light like a LED bulb, internet connection and a photo detEctor. IT was made by Prof. Harald Haas of the university of Edinburgh UK. Then later tested in an office some few days ago and it works perfectly and faster than the traditional WI-FI, it transmits 1Gigabyte per second. For now it is not available for commercial sales  VISIT US FREQUENTLY FOR MORE ON TECHY NEWS  THANK YOU


  Relationship is a session in life that we all have to pass at one time or the other. But for some it extends for a long period of time, but for some its for a short period. Here i have some few tips to make your relationship last long.  Fiirst i will start by defining relationship in a general term because relationship has various conceptions and definitions based on the situation you find yourself. RELATIONSHIP is a kind of unexplained deep association between two or more people but more especially among two individuals. Here are the three pillars of a long lasting relationship: 1. GOOD COMMUNICATION :  in a relationship the two parties should have a communion so that they can share their views to each other and know how to resolve any problem they find themselves. There is an adage that says there is exist no relationship without communication. 2. SHARING :  This is how you physically express the fee...


 For those who strive to know the secrets. Its no doubt that women are classified to be the weaker sex or gender. They do  have very unique qualities that the males do not have and this article seems to unveil the majornfive secrets a woman has that are listed and explained below : THEY LIKE TO SHOW OFF: This simply mens that they want to be noticed by everyone who passes them by, either through their dressing, make-up, or conversation. They don''t want to do things the normal way it should be done,they would want to do things more than it is expected, so as to create an avenue to notice achange about their lifestyle.    2.  THEY ARE COMFORTABLE EATING MORE WITH THEIR FELLOW SAME SEX:          This very secret is very true and sometimes happens to the opposie sex, this is because they    do not want the males to feel like- "oh thi lady eats a lot". Even if she is not filled, she will ju...


     Its a lovely day today, a day the Lord has made lets give him all the praise and worship his name for he his worthy to be praised. God created the heavens and the earth so let everything that has breath praise Him, because he his worthy to be praised. WHY SHOULD I PRAISE THE LORD ? You should praise the Lord because He is your maker, the most high, the Alpha and Omega, the unchangeable changer, the one who makes a way were there seems to be no way. He gave you life, many died yesterday but you are alive today why not give Him the praise. HOW DOES GOD BLESS A PERSON ? Once you believe in Him and obey his instructions solemely and another way to command God"s blessing is by praising Him. Prayers moves mountain but praises moves God. HOW DO I ACCESS GOD"S BLESSING ? You access God"s blessing by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour. The bible says no one comes to the Father except through the son, which is Jesus Christ, He die...