Ways to engage in spiritual warfare to unleash your set goals
This is the time we all need to settle down and commit our plans for this year to God. This is because that's the only way it can be accomplished, if you think you have set out plans or resolutions for the year and have not commited it to God, then you are only wasting your time.
This are ways you can engage in spiritual warfare to make the plans of 2015 work for you:
1. By observing a dedicated prayer and fasting.
2. By engaging in constant praise and worship sections as a remindal to God about your plan.
3. By engaging in intercessory prayers.
Through this means you will be sure your plans work.
This are ways you can engage in spiritual warfare to make the plans of 2015 work for you:
1. By observing a dedicated prayer and fasting.
2. By engaging in constant praise and worship sections as a remindal to God about your plan.
3. By engaging in intercessory prayers.
Through this means you will be sure your plans work.