Nigerian Financial Institutions Are Scared Of Cyber Attacks

Central Bank of Nigeria
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Many Nigerian financial institutions are scared of the increase in the rate of Cyber attacks especially the one that is called Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) the one that is capable of stealing billions from banks which of course is a huge loss.

 If you are a Nigerian and you have experienced a scenario were mosquitoes are biting you but you can't see them, that's just the scenario to best describe DDoS attacks on banks.
 Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS): according to digital attack map, is an attack that attempts to make an online service unavailable by overwhelming it with traffic from multiple sources.

 Once a machine is infected they could be controlled by the attacker and it can even launch future attacks on the infected systems.
MainOne logo
Photo source:
 Discussions were made this week by some financial institutions which was organised by MainOne (a cyber security firm) and Radware (a cyber security firm) at Lagos concerning DDoS attacks.

 The Chief Information Security Officer MainOne, Mr. Chidi Iwe on hearing the complaints from various financial institutions revealed that MainOne had partnered with Radware a global security company, to mitigate DDoS attacks in Nigeria's financial sector.

 He said MainOne could help by redirecting organisations traffic to the MainOne DDoS mitigation platform where it keeps organisations data that would be fully protected at all times and maintaining the normal operations of organisations on premises infrastructure.
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