AT&T Partners Linux Foundation on open source AI project
nonprofit Linux Foundation has announced that is working on an open source AI
project, and AT&T is one of the founding organizations, Owojela’s Blog
Called the Acumos Project, its goal, like many
open source platforms, is to enable a free exchange of ideas and machine
learning solutions using an artificial intelligence framework -- and eventually
become a marketplace for AI apps and services.
The Acumos
Project aims to provide tools for casual users, not data scientists, and will
focus first on making apps and microservices. While The Linux Foundation's
announcement was light on details, it noted that it will sustain the Acumos
Project for some time and AT&T and other founder Tech Mahindra will
contribute code.
intelligence is a critical tool for growing our business. However, the current
state of today's AI environment is fractured, which creates a significant
barrier to adoption," Mazin Gilbert, Vice President of Advanced Technology
at AT&T Labs said in a statement. "Acumos will expedite innovation and
deployment of AI applications, and make them available to everyone."
Project code will become available nearer to the platform's launch in early