Facebook's new data policy: Here is how it answers your privacy questions
One of those
privacy policies you probably don't read just got a makeover.
the world's largest social network, revamped the policies it uses when
collecting data on the more than 2 billion people who use it every month.
part of the new policy, released April 19, the company is also spelling out
more clearly how it collects and uses that information about you.
The new
policy comes in at more than 4,200 words. The language is meant to be easy to
understand, but that's still a lot of words to get through. Each one, however,
helps us better understand how the company turns our data into personalized
recommendations, tailored advertisements and academic research.
The changes
come at a time when people are closely watching what Facebook does. Last month,
The New York Times and the UK's Guardian and Observer newspapers broke news
that millions of Facebook users' data had been leaked to a Donald Trump-linked
political consulting firm called Cambridge Analytica. The revelations prompted
US lawmakers to call CEO Mark Zuckerberg to Washington for two days of
questioning about why Facebook failed to adequately safeguard as many as 87
million users' privacy.
With that in
mind, we've read through Facebook's new privacy policy -- the last update was
in 2016 -- to answer your most pressing questions. When you have time, the full
text of the data policy is ready and waiting for you to read.
Where does
Facebook get information about me?
It's sometimes
overwhelming to learn just how much info Facebook has on you. For instance,
Facebook has a listing for what it thinks your political views are.
It finds
this information from a mixture of photos, videos and thoughts you post on your
timeline. It also gleans data from your interactions with Facebook friends, as
well as the pages and posts you "like."
Plus, the
company collects seven different kinds of information it takes from a phone,
computer or tablet you're using. That includes data about the version of
software you're running, how low your battery is and how much storage you have
left on your device. On top of that, Facebook can access information about
devices that're connected to the same network you're on.
This kind of
info is often used for something industry experts call fingerprinting, which is
how websites identify you based on all the data they can collect from your
device. Tying that fingerprint to your Facebook account could be a very
powerful tool, allowing companies and advertisers to more easily identify you
across the internet.
tracking isn't just so Facebook can keep its eyes on you. These efforts also
enable some Facebook services to work more smoothly, like helping you more
easily stream video from a device to a TV.
How does
Facebook make money off me?
The updated
policy includes one of Facebook's most frequently repeated refrains: "We
don't sell any of your information to anyone, and we never will." So how
did it come to ring up more than $40 billion in revenue in 2017? In large part,
it does this by selling access to you.
"We use
the information we have about you -- including information about your
interests, actions and connections -- to select and personalize ads, offers and
other sponsored content that we offer you," the policy says.
Facebook is
the middle man connecting advertisers to you, based on the superrich level of
detail it has about your tastes, location and personal connections.
What are my
Facebook friends telling app creators about me?
One alarming
element of the Cambridge Analytica scandal was how a relatively small group of
Facebook users -- about 300,000 of them -- were able to share information on so
many millions of users. It happened because Facebook allows apps to collect
data on a user's entire network of Facebook friends, and only the user
interacting with the app has to give consent.
In 2015,
Facebook limited the kinds of data third-party apps can collect on its users,
years before news about Cambridge Analytica broke. In the new policy posted to
its website, Facebook tells users it's trying to limit this access even
further. "For example, we will remove developers' access to your Facebook
and Instagram data if you haven't used their app in three months," the
policy says.
But some
collection of your data through your friends' apps will continue. To totally
shut this down, you have to give up using any apps at all through your Facebook
How long
does Facebook keep my data?
depends. If you delete -- not deactivate, actually delete -- your account,
Facebook will delete your posts, including photos and status updates. But that
doesn't include the data Facebook got about you from sources other than
yourself. So everything Facebook learned about you from your friends, from data
brokers and from other websites, is kept for as long as the social network
wants it.
The company
also hangs onto information it might need for legal reasons, and to prevent
abuse on its platform. "For example, if relevant, we exchange with
third-party partners about the reliability of your account to prevent fraud,
abuse and other harmful activity on and off our products," the policy
Do I have
any say in this?
You can
adjust your settings to change how much of your profile is public and how much
you share with third-party apps, as well as other settings. But when it comes
to the data policy, you don't have much of a choice. You have to take it or
leave it.
In this
case, "leave it" means leaving Facebook.