Otondo in Japan: Perfect storm for transcontinental blogging in Tokyo 2020 Olympics
The answer to those and more is next year Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. The Olympics is not only a sporting event but an art, musical or cultural celebration. A mélange of contemporary culture buoyed with various brands, Google and social media. The cynosure of the whole world next summer will be Japan. Hence Japan has been on a charm offensive and many savvy elements who want to game the “attention economy” are locked and loaded. Same can’t be said of dear Nigerians who are sadly and pathologically wired to be reactive to trends rather than proactive.
‘Same can’t be said of dear Nigerians who are sadly and pathologically wired to be reactive to trends rather than proactive’
I am Mr. Nkimusowo Ojong and I have been planning to be in Japan for 4 years till date. I won a MEXT ( Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology) Japan scholarship to study a Masters Degree in high thermophilic enzymes in Saitama University-I know it’s boring stuff. The cool part is if you do some little googling of my irrepressible self, you’ll find some bread crumbs of Zangelewa for the Nigerian Soldiers a song to commemorate the Arms Forces Remembrance Day, Mathmobil a mathematical videogame with Nsibidi writings, SlimeforAfrica with Google Slime, Fluorescent water balls or orbeez, Celebrating the only NYSC secondary school nationwide, I spoke at the first Google DevFest in Calabar on the topic ‘Everything Soft’ and now Otondo in Japan.
All these leads to me making the most out of being in Japan during the Olympics for content creation, curation, cultural appropriation into Kanji and global reach using blogging and youtubing. I feel the urge for you to ask how can you make money with all this talk. I’ll share a bit. Again kindly google ‘Meok Bang” and see people eating in front of the camera to earn $30,000 when the videos are viewed in Japan and South Korea. Less I forget I was an online English tutor to mostly Japanese and Koreans.
Again kindly google ‘Meok Bang” and see people eating in front of the camera to earn $30,000 when the videos are viewed in Japan and South Korea.
I want to share more in-depth details to a homogenous batch of people-preferably in a given place. So I’m blessed to be a resource person at the LiftHub on Thursday the 15th of August, 2019 by 10 am. If you are a blogger, content creator, developer, videographer or editor in Calabar, I fondly invite you to come. Please note I leave for Japan next month. Do well to utilize this opportunity and be there.